Monday, September 12, 2011

Vintage Coney Island

Well, I believe this about does for Coney Island. It's probably getting a bit redundant for you, so thought I'd liven things up with doing a vintage touch-up to the photos.


Not sure why I was so enthralled with this - perhaps the amount of bad-assity contained on one street corner. Notice the guy on the bike to the far left.

We were like kids in a candy shop, lol ;-)

A favorite!

We ended the evening at a local pub :-)


  1. Looks like a great place to visit!
    Thanks for's one of place I would like
    to visit someday.

    Btw, thanks so much for your lovely comment.
    I'm proud to say I'm now following you via GFC #7th follower, and will appreciate if you
    follow me back. Thanks and keep in touch!

  2. Great pictures girl! Getting drawn is always so much fun..even though I always ask myself "DO I really look like that?" LOL!


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