Saturday, March 10, 2012

A Sense of Accomplishment

In my younger days (and still) I've been known to be a bit of a, shall we say, procrastinator. However, when my new office chair arrived, I decided to cast aside the shadows of this ugly little word and get down to business! I was quite pleased with the results. :-)

Am I the only one who suffers from an occasional bout of procrastination?

Thursday, March 8, 2012

Guest Post - Tobi from IamExcessP - Georgia by way of Nigeria

While living in Europe back in 2006-2008, I had the pleasure of making friends with an adorable couple named Torinse and Reliance who were originally from Nigeria, but living in London. When I think about my experience they often come to mind.

That being said, it brings me the pleasure to introduce you to my next guest - Tobi from IamExcessP who is also originally from Nigeria. I've been following his blog for awhile and really enjoy his fresh take on fashion, music, and culture. So before I get carried away and steal the limelight, here he is .. enjoy!

My name is Oluwatobiloba Adetifa, I make it easier for people so it's fine if you call me Tobi. I come from Nigeria, and I lived there all my life until I moved to the United States a little over 2 years ago. It's been a wonderful experience so far. Presently I live in Georgia, America. I am a college sophomore studying Management Information Systems. Coming from Nigeria, you can tell I am not used to cold weather conditions, which is why I love Georgia. It is cold compared to Nigeria, but in comparison with other states in the U.S, it is one of the warmest. We did not have a single snow day this winter which is absolutely awesome for me. I run a blog called, and it is basically a documentation of my life (fashion, music, & poetry). I started this blog January 2011, but it was abandoned for a few months before I finally took it a bit more serious around August last year. The blog is growing steadily, and my kids would see what their father was like as a kid. It would also create opportunities for me. Like you are interviewing me now. Why? Because you came across my blog. I was that little kid who mama always called to ask if her outfit looked good or if she tied her gele (African female head-gear) right. I developed a flair for fashion at a very young age, and music has always been a part of my life as well. I sing every time, and listen to songs every time. My dad always played songs, and I was fascinated by the beats and all of that. My mother on the other hand used to buy me music cassettes, because she noticed my love for music (When I say cassettes, you should have a good idea that I have loved this long ago). Music is a very strong tool, it can make you cry, make you fight, inspire you, console you (I could go on and on, but I would stop there for now) Poetry on the other hand was a skill I realized I had when I was dating my first girlfriend. haha. Other people noticed this about me too and commended it. One thing I realized is that, when you are gifted in something, you may not see anything special in your ability until people start to commend you. I believe so much in myself and my abilities, and I just need adequate amount of time in my hands to blow minds as much as I would like to :)

Thanks so much Tobi! Check my new favorite post on a cover by Alex Boye of Coldplay's 'Paradise' here.

Sunday, March 4, 2012

Photo of the Week - Farm Auction

I was going through my photos and came across some from this past summer. While I was home in Germania, Pennsylvania there just so happened to be an auction. After much convincing from my mother, who was born to go to auctions, yard sales, and thrift shops, I agreed to go. And it was super cool! Not something you come across much in NYC :-p...

Saturday, March 3, 2012

New In My Etsy Shop

Here are a few new Spring-y pairs of earrings that just went into Turquoise Gypsy!

You can find them here

Find these here

And lastly these here :-)

Chocolate Candy Kiss Cookies

I made these little bundles of chocolaty, confectionery sweetness for a friend recently and she totally loved them. They melt in your mouth and are completely easy to make.

Just out of the oven

Roll in the confectioner's sugar


2 1/2 c flour
1/2 tsp salt
1/2 lb butter - unsalted (2 sticks)
1/2 c sugar
1 egg
1 tsp vanilla
1 c finely chopped walnuts
30-40 chocolate Hershey's Kisses**
Confectioners (10x) sugar

**If Hershey's Kisses are not available where you are, any chunk of milk chocolate will work fine.

Mix flour and salt together. Add butter and mix til crumbly. Add sugar, egg, vanilla, and chopped nuts.

Preheat oven to 350 Fahrenheit.

Shape dough around the Hershey kisses and roll into small balls. You can do this by flattening a little mound of dough in your hand, placing the kiss in the center and forming the dough around it.

Place on ungreased cookie sheet. Bake 13-16 minutes OR until slightly brown on top (some ovens take more or less time depending if it's gas or electric). Cool completely.

Roll in confectioners sugar.


Friday, March 2, 2012

Guest Post - Shalini from India

Wow, this is my second guest post! Which I am just sooo excited about :-) Hailing from India, Shalini from Stylish By Nature was kind enough to pop by and share this interview with us.

First of all, I love Shalini's look. I love bold colors and jewelry, perhaps that's why I'm drawn to Shalini's style.

Anyway.. here she is!

Shalini in Hyderabad
 1. How long have you been blogging for? What is the name and where did the name of your blog come from? What is your blog about? 
Though I am in fashion circles for quite sometime, however I started nurturing my passion for fashion with my blog this month only (Jan 2012). My blog name is true reflection of my personality, so it happened naturally. Stylish-By-Nature is a fashion/lifestyle blog for all like-minded people who believe that style runs in their blood and is as important as breathing. Here you will find lifestyle, design, events; everything that can be useful to your image. Look forward to more on fashion, food, fitness, fun, friends and flavors of life. 

2. How long have you had an interest in the fashion world?
Since my childhood, I must say J

3. Explain your personal style….
My personal style is quite eclectic. I love mixing and matching my garments to come up with something unique everytime. I believe im making the most of my outfits. They are a reflection of my personality. 

4. Where do you draw your inspiration from for outfits?
Inspiration to me comes from anywhere and everywhere...It may be internet, fashion magazines, friends or nature

5. Do you prefer to read a magazine or a blog? 
I prefer reading blogs however magazines are game when I have time at hand. 

6. Who or what do you aspire to be?
I aspire to be a successful blogger who connects with people at personal level. My goal is to show them how we can be beautiful, trendy, stylish in every sense, pondering the purchase according to the latest trends of the moment! I hope to be a source of inspiration for everyone who likes fashion and those who want to embrace this world. 

7. What would you describe as the top 5 MUST HAVE’s for your wardrobe?
Whitest white shirt, Well tailored black blazer, LBD, Well fitting pair of jeans,  Black pumps

8. Lookbook or Chictopia?

9. What are you doing when you’re not working on your blog?
Working out in the Gym 

10. What aspect of blogging is the most enjoyable ?
 Blogging connects you to like-minded people instantly and that too world-wide. I like being connected to my readers and fellow fashion bloggers through this platform. It’s amazing and utter bliss.

11. What blogging tools do you use? (Camera, host, programs etc)
My best companion is Canon EOS Digital Rebel XTi/400D and my husband, who is not only my support but the backbone of my blog.

12. Finally, what tips do you have for anyone out there starting out in the blogosphere?
There are no rules for blogging. So, Be original. Maintain the quality of the content and pictures. Be focused. Keep calm and continue blogging. 

With Love, Shalini

Thanks so much, Shalini! Check out her blog here.
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